ISCA 2002 Program And Schedule

Saturday, May 25th


8:00 6:00

 Workshops and Tutorials


Sunday, May 26th


8:00 6:00

 Workshops and Tutorials

7:00pm 9:00pm

Reception (hosted by Morgan Kauffmann Publishers)


Monday, May 27th


8:45 9:00

Welcoming Remarks

Yale Patt, General Chair
Dirk Grunwald, Program Chair

9:00 10:00


 Burton J. Smith, Cray, Inc

10:00 10:30  Break
10:30 12:00

 Session: Processor Pipelines
 Session Chair: Krste Asanovic

12:00 1:30  Lunch
1:30 3:30

Processor Scheduling
Session Chair: Douglas Carmean

3:30 4:00  Prepare for excursion
4:00 11:30  Excursion


Tuesday, May 28th


8:30 9:30


 Bob Colwell, R&E Colwell & Associates, Inc.

9:30 10:00  Break
10:00 12:00

Safety and Reliability
Session Chair: Kourosh Gharachorloo

12:00 2:00  Eckert-Mauchly lunch
2:00 3:30

Power Aware Architecture
Session Chair: Sarita Adve

3:30 4:00  Break
4:00 5:30

Memory Systems
Session Chair: Margaret Martonosi

5:30 7:00

Dynamic Optimization
Session Chair: Dirk Grunwald

7:00 8:30  Reception
8:30 9:30  Business meeting


Wednesday, May 29th


9:00 10:00

Data and Storage Networks
Session Chair: Seth Goldstein

10:00 11:00

Vector Architectures
Session Chair: Mateo Valero

11:00 11:30  Break
11:30 1:00

Supporting Deep Speculation
Session Chair: Artur Klauser