Call for Workshops and Tutorials
ISCA 2013
The 40th Annual International Symposium
on Computer Architecture
Tel Aviv, Israel
June 23–24, Workshops/Tutorials
June 25-27, Main Conference
Sponsored by
Workshop proposals are solicited for ISCA-40 in Tel Aviv, Israel,
Workshops and Tutorials will be held on June 23-24, 2013 (Sun-Mon).
Please send workshop proposals to Osman Unsal <> and Xiaoyao Liang <>
Deadline for proposals is Friday January 4, 2012. Notification of workshop decisions will be emailed back to proposers by Monday January 14, 2013.
Please include in your workshop proposal:
- Title of the workshop
- Organizers and their affiliations
- Sample call for papers, including the workshop's main topics
- Expected duration of the workshop; i.e., 1/2 day, full day, or 2 days
– If the workshop was previously held, the location (i.e., which conference), date, the number of published papers and attendees at the last workshop.
Tutorial proposals are solicited for ISCA-40 in Tel Aviv, Israel,
Workshops and Tutorials will be held on June 23-24, 2013 (Sun-Mon).
Please send tutorial proposals to Hyesoon Kim <>
and Yoav Etsion <>
Deadline for proposals is Friday December 14, 2012. Notification of
tutorial and workshop decisions will be emailed back to proposers by
Monday January 28, 2013.
For tutorials, include:
- Title of the tutorial
- Organizers, presenters, their affiliations, and short bios
– Abstract of the tutorial
- A list of topics to be covered
- Expected duration of the tutorial; i.e., 1/2 day, full day, or 2 days
- If the tutorial was previously held, the location (i.e., which
conference), date, and number of attendees at the last tutorial