computer & architectures

Come to Boston to ISCA33!!

Conference will be held from the 17th to the 21st of June 2006 in the Boston Park Plaza Hotel.(venue)

For those of you that missed the early hotel deadline at the Boston Park Plaza, we have been able to secure a block of rooms at the Boston Radisson Hotel (right across the street) at a rate of $189 available until June 2nd. To obtain this rate, contact the Radisson at (800) 333-3333 and make sure to mention that you are with ISCA-33 to obtain this rate.


2nd Annual Computer Architects' Ice Hockey Game. Check it out! (Hockey)



Keynotes are now available!  (keynotes)


Important Dates

Early Registration deadline June 9, 2006
Workshop/Tutorial Dates June 17-18, 2006
Conference Dates June 19-21, 2006

Conference Officers

General Chair: David Kaeli, Northeastern University
Program Chair: Mateo Valero, UPC
Steering Commitee:

Dave Christie, AMD

Guri Sohi, U. Wisconsin

Jean-Luc Gaudiot, UC Irvine

Joel Emer, Intel

Luiz Andre Barroso, Google

Norman Jouppi, Hewlett Packard

Per Stenstrom, Chalmers U.

Program Commitee:

Annant Agarwal, MIT

Dave Albonesi, Cornell U.

Krste Asanović, MIT

Luiz Barroso, Google

Tom Conte, NCSU

Bill Dally, Stanford

Srini Devadas, MIT

Koen De Bosschere, U. Ghent

Susan Eggers, U. Washington

Matt Farrens, UC Davis

Jean-Luc Gaudiot, UC Irvine

Antonio González, Intel and UPC

Dirk Grunwald, U. Colorado

Kei Hiraki, U. Tokyo

Wen-mei Hwu, UIUC

Hsien-Hsin (Sean) Lee, Gatech

Daniel Jiménez, Rutgers U.

José Martínez, Cornell U.

Chuck Moore, AMD

Trevor Mudge, U. Michigan

Enric Musoll, ConSentry Networks

Yale Patt, U. Texas

Li-Shiuan Peh, Princeton

Àlex Ramírez, UPC

Ronny Ronen, Intel

Jim Smith, U. Wisconsin

Ilan Spillinger, IBM

Per Stenström, Chalmers U.

Olivier Temam, INRIA

Josep Torrellas, UIUC

Marc Tremblay, Sun Microsystems

Stamatis Vassiliadis, TU Delft

Alex Veidenbaum, UC Irvine

Victor Zyuban, IBM

Tutorials: Trevor Mudge, University of Michigan
Workshops: Evelyn Duesterwald, IBM T.J. Watson Research
Local Arrangements: Nancy Cross, Hewlett Packard
Finance Chair: Glenn Reinman, UCLA
Registration: John Kalamatianos, AMD
Publications: José Martínez, Cornell
Publicity: Kim Hazelwood, University of Virginia

Ramon Canal, UPC

Web (submissions):

Oliverio J. Santana, ULPGC
