Local Arrangements Chair
Kenrick Mock,
Mathematical Sciences at the University of Alaska, Anchorage.
email: afkjm@uaa.alaska.edu and phone: (907) 786-1956
Hotel Transportation
- The Hilton will provide van service at no charge to those attending ISCA, and staying at the Hilton.
Shuttle Van Service
- Will
be available from the airport to the Hilton |
on May 24 and 25, from 1pm to 1am.
- Will
be available from the Hilton to the airport
on May 29 and 30, from 5am to 9am and from 3pm to 1am.
- Anyone arriving or departing at times or
dates not listed
above can receive a rebate at the front desk for the cost of the cab ride.
Hotel is the Anchorage Hilton
- Hotel Webpage
- Rates: $155/single, $175/double, $20/each person beyond 2 in the room.
- Rates are valid from May 21st to June 1st.
- Attendees should book early to be sure of getting rooms.
- Reservations should be made via phone: 907-272-7411 or 800-245-2527.
- Reservations can also be faxed to the hotel: 907-265-7042.
- However, the Hilton is graciously honoring the rate as long as there is availability in the hotel. If you are not able to obtain a room at Hilton, please contact blackmoa@mail.utexas.edu (before May 21), or telephone April Blackmore at the Hilton Anchorage (after May 21).
- Conference rate name is ISCA, if using the website, use ISC for group code.
Anchorage, Alaska: