Important Deadlines
Abstract submission deadline:

Paper submission deadline:

Workshop/Tutorial Proposals:

Author Notification:

Camera Ready Copy:


November 9, 2001

November, 16 2001

December, 20 2001

January 30, 2002

March 15, 2002

May 25-29, 2002

IEEE TC-Computer Architecture ACM SIGARCH:

Proposed ISCA 2002 Timeline

The following gives a "workflow" and timeline for the important conference dates. We're going to slightly adapt the traditional reviewing system to provide more opportunities for authors to address issues raised in reviews. This particular review process borrows elements from INFOCOMM, MICRO34 and SOSP as well as the traditional  ISCA process.

We're also going to try to speed up the actual program committee meeting. After authors have submitted a rebuttal to the reviewers comments, program committee members will be able to "vote" for specific papers. This vote is intended to serve as a first cut of ranking papers by the program committee members who either read the paper or asked someone else to read the paper. The thought is that these individuals will be best able to decide about the accuracy of the reviews of each paper. Program committee members will also be able to "flag" a small number of any papers they choose  to be discussed at the program committee meeting. These "flags" will be anonymous, and will allow people to discuss papers that someone feels may have been unfairly reviewed.

We'll be using some software that Dirk Grunwald and Dan Connors have assembled for the MICRO34 submission process.

Here's some calendars of the important months

<% include('../../php/'); $cal = new Calendar; %>
<% echo $cal -> getMonthView(11,2001); %>   <% echo $cal -> getMonthView(12,2001); %>   <% echo $cal -> getMonthView(1,2002); %>   <% echo $cal -> getMonthView(2,2002); %>  
<% echo $cal -> getMonthView(3,2002); %>   <% echo $cal -> getMonthView(4,2002); %>   <% echo $cal -> getMonthView(5,2002); %>   <% echo $cal -> getMonthView(6,2002); %>  
  1. Abstracts due November 9th, 2001, 6:00pm PST

    ISCA has a tradition of having a soft and hard deadline. We're going to make the soft deadline a littler firmer by requiring an abstract (150-300 words) and topic indication for the papers. This provides a week for the PC chairs to make initial paper assignments.

  2. Full papers due November 16th, 2001, 6:00pm PST

    When full papers are in, PC Chairs double check the review assignments they've made. We don't expect this to take more than 2-3 days.

  3. Review assignments made by November 19th, 2001

    PC Members will immediately see their review assignments on the web interface. They can immediately assign secondary reviewers. The PC member does not need to download and distribute papers, this is all handled by the web site. People can not submit reviews unless a PC member explicitly designates them as a reviewer. 

  4. Secondary reviews should be assigned to 3rd parties by November 30th

    The PC Chairs can be informed by a web interface to the database about the process of secondary paper assignments. By the 30th, most assignments should already have happened and the chairs can provide a little inspiration or help in locating reviewers.

  5. Reviews submitted & finalized by January 7th, 2002

    Reviews can be submitted to the website and then modified until the reviewer is happy with the review or the deadline is reached. Once a review is "finalized" it can no longer be modified.

  6. Authors can read reviews starting January 7th, 2002, 6:00pm and provide an online rebuttal up until January 10th.

    Authors will be shown each review (without revealing reviewers) and be able to enter a response to the reviews. 

  7. Program committee members will vote on the papers for which they were either primary or secondary reviewers from the period of January 11th through January 16th, using the online system. Reviewers may also "flag" papers for discussion no matter what the numerical ranking indicates.

    The intent of this reviewing step is to "pre-sift" the papers prior to the PC meeting. Each PC member should read and rank each paper, incorporating the information from all the reviews. This is kind of a "meta level" of the numerical ranking ISCA normally uses -- that ranking is straight from the reviews, with no qualification of the reviewers or input from the author rebuttal. This ranking assumes that PC members will assess these ineffable aspects of the review data to come to an overall ranking. The "Flag" idea comes from SOSP - there may be some paper that people care about so passionately that they want it discussed no matter what anyone else thinks.

  8. Program Committee meeting would occur on the 26th or 27th.

    Ideally, the pre-sifting phase means that the work can be done in an 8-5 time slot instead of going late. The database will be augmented with a "paper disposition' field that remove ambiguity about which papers have been accepted / rejected.

  9. Authors would be notified by January 30th

  10. Final papers must be submitted in camera ready form by March 15th.

  11. Conference dates are May 25th - 29th.

<% echo $PHP_SELF %>